A Designer Fanny Pack.
I don't care that they call it "Belt Bag." It's still just an over-priced fanny pack in my eyes.

I'm not a fan of light logo prints. And I'm not a fan of fanny packs. And that's all this is. Only it costs $455.
Thumbs down.

I'm not a fan of light logo prints. And I'm not a fan of fanny packs. And that's all this is. Only it costs $455.
Thumbs down.
That fanny pack scares the crap out of me. It scares the crap out of me almost as much as the fact that 80's fashion was able to return in the first place. Didn't we all learn from the mistakes of our foremothers? And yet, girls are wearing legwarmers shoulderpads. Sigh.
Legwarmers I can understand wearing... But only AT HOME to keep warm.
Shoudler pads though... Oh dear! I hadn't realized those were trying to make a comeback! The horror!
When I was in the 6th and 7th grade (1988 to 1990), I used to rip the shoulder pads out of any top I had that they came in. They made me look awful! Why would anyone want to bring that back?