Croc "Cyprus" High-Heels.
Oh. No. They. Did. Not.
But yes, my friends, they in fact did.
Crocs, the maker of those shit-tastic shoes that I despise on anyone over the age six, has come out with high-heeled Crocs.

I must resort to the five Ws (and one H) method I learned in journalism school to dissect this...
But yes, my friends, they in fact did.
Crocs, the maker of those shit-tastic shoes that I despise on anyone over the age six, has come out with high-heeled Crocs.

I must resort to the five Ws (and one H) method I learned in journalism school to dissect this...
- Who the eff-ing hell is going to wear these?
- What the hell is someone thinking if they wake up in the morning and choose to put these on?
- Where would one wear these crap-tastic contraptions?
- Why would someone find these attractive enough to wear?
- When would one wear these shoes? (Are they for "date night" or are they for "fancy gardening?")
- How the hell will I ever be able to take someone seriously if they wear these things
I just came across your blog after I posted a similar post about these horrendous "shoes" (if you can call them that!)
So, practical application: yes
Fashion statement: hell, no
Crocs are comfortable and this style - under a pair of boot leg pants will give the height and leg shape that I miss in my pumps without the pain.