Just A Pet Peeve Of Mine...

The next stay-at-home mom who asks me, "So when are you going to have kids?" will get this response from me...

"So when are you going to get a full-time job outside the home that pays you money?"



Vanessa said…
I'm not sure how old you are, but at 30something bloggers we have a discussion going on this topic right now. I think my favorite answer is:
Will you take care of them?
I like my free time.
Hopefully 12 of them, I've always wanted to be a baby factory.
I want to be independently wealthy first. And willowy thin, and amazingly fun at parties.

There's many other great responses. If you're in your thirties, come join us! It has turned into a heated topic there.
Me said…
I'm 30. I will be 31 next month. I'll have to look at joining.
Anonymous said…
Also, 'fuck off' is pretty effective...
BFW (Tammy) said…
Damn funny! I AM a mom... of a 3 year old... and STILL hate when people ask me about having kids! Now, instead of getting "when will you two start a family" I get "So, when are you going to give your son a little brother or sister? You know, kids need siblings". Kiss my ass!

I LOVE my son and there is NOTHING greater than experiencing raising a child (AND nothing more frustrating or difficult). However, that said, I am not your 'typical' mom... and I would NEVER burden my friends with that question.

I always thought I would be a stay at home mom... but 'those people' are special. I don't have the patience, tolerance or desire to spend my day banging my head against the wall only to hit the bottle when my husband gets home at the end of the day.

If you decide to have kids... you have PLENTY of time. I was 36 when I had my son. If I could do it again, I would not do it any earlier. Period.

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