The Spring Equinox And Freaking Out About The Winter Solstice In 2012...
It's the Spring Equinox today... So I will definitely be going to yoga tonight. It officially became spring this morning at 5:48am... Though the weather here in Boston tells a different story...

While researching the Spring Equinox, I uncovered something that really freaks me out (in a good way): the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2012 hits at exactly 11:11am.

Now, I am really into Numerology lately. And I have read books and researched the significance of the year 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar. (Which has been argued to predict a number of events throughout history.) Not that I will bore you with the details (which are interesting but very take a lot of focus to consume)... But the gist of the significance of the the year 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar is:
"... it is conjectured that this may represent in the Maya belief system a transition from the current Creation world into the next."
- Wikipedia 2012 page
What this means, according to some, is this is the date predicted by the Mayan Calendar for the world to end.
I HOWEVER DO NOT BELIEVE THAT. (Just making that clear.)
I do believe this date (December 21, 2012) is significant, and I think the Mayans were on to something. I believe that this is a date when we will see some kind of energy shift in the Universe. And, based on my research in Numerology, the number 1111 (and 111) is a very "high energy" number.
It's a good number. A positive one. The messages associated with that number mean things like "energy is positive" and "you are being told to focus on the positive things and what you want and they will come true."
I know... It can easily sound flimsy to you. There are a lot of skeptics out there. I used to be one. But since going to acupuncture last year, I have seen a lot of things that have changed my beliefs a little. These things include:
I don't know exactly what to expect in terms of the "energy-shift" I think will happen at the end of the next Mayan Calendar round in 2012... But it is a good thing. And I think that due in part to the fact that the Solstice that year hits at 11:11am.
I don't plan to do anything in anticipation of this date/event. I only intend to keep living my life with an effort to make me happy... And healthy... And strong...

While researching the Spring Equinox, I uncovered something that really freaks me out (in a good way): the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2012 hits at exactly 11:11am.

Now, I am really into Numerology lately. And I have read books and researched the significance of the year 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar. (Which has been argued to predict a number of events throughout history.) Not that I will bore you with the details (which are interesting but very take a lot of focus to consume)... But the gist of the significance of the the year 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar is:
"... it is conjectured that this may represent in the Maya belief system a transition from the current Creation world into the next."
- Wikipedia 2012 page
What this means, according to some, is this is the date predicted by the Mayan Calendar for the world to end.
I HOWEVER DO NOT BELIEVE THAT. (Just making that clear.)
I do believe this date (December 21, 2012) is significant, and I think the Mayans were on to something. I believe that this is a date when we will see some kind of energy shift in the Universe. And, based on my research in Numerology, the number 1111 (and 111) is a very "high energy" number.
It's a good number. A positive one. The messages associated with that number mean things like "energy is positive" and "you are being told to focus on the positive things and what you want and they will come true."
I know... It can easily sound flimsy to you. There are a lot of skeptics out there. I used to be one. But since going to acupuncture last year, I have seen a lot of things that have changed my beliefs a little. These things include:
- My dreams. Holy crap have I had very vivid and message-driven dreams in the past year. Most have to do with spirituality.
- Number sequences... I am seeing the same number sequences repeatedly every day. There is a belief that these are messages of spirituality that are being send to someone.
- More clearly hearing inner-dialogue. (AKA: hearing a voice inside my head). It's not some random voice... It's my own voice. But there have been multiple times this year where I will hear (in my voice, in my head) someone say something to me. Like the time last Summer when I got up to go the gym for a training session one morning. And the voice inside my head said, "You shouldn't bother going. Your trainer won't be there. She overslept." I ignored it. My trainer had never missed a session. But when I got to the gym, she indeed wasn't there. She had, in fact, overslept.
I don't know exactly what to expect in terms of the "energy-shift" I think will happen at the end of the next Mayan Calendar round in 2012... But it is a good thing. And I think that due in part to the fact that the Solstice that year hits at 11:11am.
I don't plan to do anything in anticipation of this date/event. I only intend to keep living my life with an effort to make me happy... And healthy... And strong...

I totally agree with you... It will be an energy shift we see... And we all have the potential to make things happen for ourselves. It's difficult to really listen to what we need to do to be happy and helpful to the Universe... But one of the things I have started to notice in the past year is my abilities have begun to open up.
I refernce Doreen's numbers book like three times a week. I keep seeing "1234" and "1243" A LOT lately. Not just on a clock... On taxi cabs... And on buildings... And on pages of the Internet.
So, I bet you are right - I bet something great happens then! that's why their calander stopped - it was the end of one cycle in time and the begining of a another. Another so wonderful that it deserved its own calander.
Wonder if we'll be able to tell what's going on, or if it take a while to become apparent?
I think it is something we will be aware of as it evolves... I can't imagine us not being aware that something would be evolving.
It may interest you to know that the word apocalypse means literally "lifting of the veil" in Greek.
I see the 1234 often myself. Mostly on the clocks though.
Interestingly, John's comment was posted at 3:33 ("when the numbers fell off the clock face" for any U2 fans;-). There's no denying a repeated sign but I do think it's possible to condition oneself to do anything, including look at a clock at a certain time; however, since I have no biological clock and a chosen erratic schedule, I don't do it every day, and I see repeating digits, with 1111 still being primary, in other situations as well, so I don't think that's the case for me.
As for the Mayans, their beliefs are similar to the Christian Three Earth Ages (and many other teachings), which is surprisingly old and fascinating as it not only unites science and religion, but also explains so many other mysteries too. So, as REM said, "It's the End of the World As We Know It...AND I FEEL FINE!" :O)