Motley Has Girl Scout Cookies!

I was walking past the Motley store on my way home from my facial this evening... And I saw something delightful in the window...

It's blurry (sorry, phone camera)... But displayed in the window are boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes of Girl Scout Cookies!

I have not had any of these in nearly four years. I may have to head over to Motley this weekend and see if I can snag some. I can make Thin Mints myself... But I would love to pick up some Caramel Delights!


I'm glad that you actually call them Caramel Delights, which they ARE! For some reason, in Fairfield, CT, where I went to college, they were called Tagalogs. The tri-state area people at my school accepted that as the norm.

Those are my fave GS cookies.

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