I Can't Get Wasted Away In "Margaritaville."

Okay.. I know Margaritaville is supposed to be a "state of mind"... But I am likening it to Key West, as this is one of the places Jimmy Buffet has chosen to open one of those Margaritaville bars...

I must confess... The drinks in Key West are WEAK. Even for me, the girl who gets drunk off two glasses of wine.

Seriously, today I had a pineapple margarita at lunch... And I had gulped down part of it before we got food in us.

I felt nothing after drinking this.

Then, we stopped off and got the mojitos for $2.

They were strong-tasting... But I achieved no euphoria with them.

Then, at dinner, I got a strawberry margarita...


No buzz. Not warm tingling feeling in my hands. I could still feel my teeth.

The drinks are cheap in Key West, which is probably why they are weak. I don't think I'll be spending any money on any more drinks while I am here. I'm not looking to get drunk... But I was looking forward to a nice buzz.

Disappointment with tequila and rum? This is new... :(


Anonymous said…
What's more annoying than weak drinks on vacation? The girly girls that have two and start acting like their tore-down drunk. Ah well, enjoy having some fun!
The_Brain said…
oh yep, weak drinks are depressing...
But gotta love "girly" drinks, lots of calories, they tastes great, and the breath isn't toxic after :)
Bex said…
yes, if i remember correctly we hit up the liquor store and added a little somethin'-somethin' to most of the drinks we bought...

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