Pi Day: A New Beginning To Life.

Today is (was) "Pi Day." March 14. Or, 3.14.

Today is also someone in my family's b-day. And as I like to do with the people who are close to me... I like evaluating the "personal year" that they are entering into on their birthdays.

It's a numerology thing.

So, as I have mentioned before, it is easy to calculate out your current personal year. Today's b-day person is entering a "Personal Year 1" today. And that means new beginnings...

The current year is the beginning of a new nine year cycle for you. It holds the promise of being an exciting new adventure, with life taking on new challenges that pave the way for the next cycle of nine years in your life. This is a time to clarify your goals and it is a time to act on them. Hard work may be necessary to get a new venture moving. Your physical strength will be up during this year, perhaps higher than it has been for some time, as you have some special needs for this extra energy. If you are unable or unwilling to answer the call to change and make the move in your life the appears necessary now, your prospects may be delayed until the next cycle begins in nine years. Because of this, you feel like an adventure, a major change in your life, something new. New goals should be clearly set and worked toward, as this is really a new beginning of a nine year cycle and it is best not to dwell on the past at this time. This will be fairly easy for you to do because most of the problems and disappointments of the past will tend to disappear, leaving the way open for these new challenges. This is a great time; use it to its full advantage.

Because personal years run in nine-year cycles, entering into a "one" year sets the tone for your next nine years. It's usually a year where, if you manifest things properly, you can accomplish a lot... Mostly in the area of "attitude."

If you choose to pursue an "optimistic" outlook, the next nine years are really going to kick ass for you.

Happy b-day, Mum!


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