A Day Of Beauty.

Since I can't work out or go to yoga tomorrow, I have decided to just make it a full day of beauty. Getting my hair cut and colored in the morning. (Yay!) And then I am having a Power Facial at Exhale in the afternoon. (Double Yay!)

I REALLY need the Power Facial too. I just can not even begin to tell you how crazy insane my skin is because of the drug my specialist has me on! Hormones are evil! And all the activity is happening on my chin, which is totally a hormonal area. So I KNOW it's the drug that is affecting me. So I really need the laser therapy!



Speaking of breaking out, my skin has been looking pretty bad lately, so I decided to try the new Clean & Clear Advantage Kit that is supposed to be better than Proactiv Solution. I've been using it for about a week, and so far, it's been drying out the problem areas nicely. Keep it away from your eyes, though. I'll be doing an entry about it on Kate's Adventures this week.
JessODonnell924 said…
Hi! I am a huge fan of your blog and noticed that you go to Exhale Spa- what treatments do you suggest there?
thank you!
Me said…
Aww! Thanks! I am just happy people like to read it! If you find things useful, that's even better!

I LOVE the following treatments:

Fusion Pedicure Plus (with Laura!)
Power Facial (with Galina!)
PranaVayu Yoga (with David Magone!)
Accupuncture (with Emily, though Melissa is wonderful too!)

They are excellent at bikini waxes too... Especially Hilary and Galina. They are VERY thorough. If you want to indulge and relax, I recommend the Pedicure Plus and a facial.

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