No, No To The No! No!

I guess I am going to have to be a slave to various waxings for the rest of my life.

A few weeks back, if you recall, I purchased the No! No! from The No! No! is a hair removal tool. It is an electronic tool that removes the hair (basically by shaving). As it shaves the hair, it zaps the hair follicle with heat. The idea is that over time, you will notice a decrease in the amount of hair and/or a change in it's texture.

I purchased the No! No! and tested it out on my arm hair. I figured that was the safest place to test it out. I didn't want to try any other areas of my body just in case it decided to shock me.

I watched the video on how to use it at least twice. It seemed easy enough to use. But, when I began running it up my arms, the thing began to smoke.

It smoked!

And it smelled really bad. No one likes the smell of burnt hair!

I found that the No! No! really didn't shave the hair that well. And the hair that it did shave seemed to collect inside the contraption, which caused the thin streams of smoke to puff out and the smell to accumulate.

I have not used it a second time. I am too afraid of it catching fire. But I may give it another try in the next few days. But so far, I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT.

I, however, do continue to endorse the T3 Hair Dryer. That thing is SO worth the money.


Oh my God, I was so close to buying it after hearing what you said!!! THANK YOU!!!
Me said…
I think I'll try using it on my arm hair again tonight and maybe try to take a video of it to show you guys the smoke that comes out. It was kinda scary.
Anonymous said…
I'd be too afraid to do it a second time after it started smoking haha.

There's just no easy way to get rid of hair!
Anonymous said…
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