South End Orange.

When you get married, you accept that there are things the two of you will share...
  • Bill payments
  • Closet space (Though I don't allow him much space. Seriously, how much room does one need for dress pants, khakis and light blue dress shirts?)
  • TV viewing time (He knows I get the TV at certain times during the week.)
  • Germs
The last on the list is the one affecting me the most right now. I have caught The Husband's cough he got last week. It's not too bad, but definitely annoying. (If I had been able to go to yoga this week, I wouldn't have caught it.)

So, to cheer myself up and avoid staying inside all day, I got outside for a walk. And I am glad I did. Because I never realized before what a pretty color of orange the leaves around here can turn!

Growing up in Arizona, I never got to see colors like this. I am in awe of Fall in New England.


Anonymous said…
The leaves changing color is my favorite part about autumn. The sidewalks and lawns are covered in a sheet of yellow and orange leaves today.

P.S. I tagged you for a meme :D
Misty said…
growing up in Arizona, I have always dreamed of a New England Autumn. Here in Idaho we get an autumnal tease, which is worse than the phoenix palm trees and November pool parties...

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