Ready For Va-Cay!

I am determined for my vacation to the Turks & Caicos in two weeks to only bring a carry-on.

Yep, that's right. You read it correctly. I am only bringing a carry-on.

The more I thought about it, it just makes more sense to just take a carry-on. All I pack for clothes are bathing suits, some yoga pants, underwear, tank tops, a sun dress, flip flops and a long tunic. The rest of the bag is filled with facial cleanser, sunscreen, a little make up and a beach towel.

To make sure all this fits in my carry-on, I did a test packing today...

Yes, I'm a bit anal retentive with planning. That's okay though.

In my extra-large purse (since I am allowed a carry-on and a personal item), I will carry my lap top, DVDs, books, faux-cashmere shawl, moisturizer, Lara Bars and magazines.

So far, my book list only includes Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim. It will grow before then though. I need at least two more books, possibly three, to make it through the five days.

If you have any suggestions for beach reads I should consider, leave them in the comments section. Thanks!


Anonymous said…
Don't forget about all those quirky restrictions about liquids in your carry-on. (Which I'm sure you've thought of!)
Me said…
Oh you know I have! I pre-packed everything I need into small travel-sized containers.
Anonymous said…
hmmm...I read "Eat, Pray, Love" on vacation and LOVE LOVE LOVED it...

also, my favorite online store for travel stuff:
Agree wholeheartedly with Bex. GREAT book. I'm a bit of a memoir junkie, and I would like to recommend you Julie and Julia! It's a lighthearted, hilarious memoir, and they just announced that Amy Adams and Meryl Streep will be starring in the film version. (It doesn't seem like it would make the translation to film very well, to me, but I'm sure it will be great!)

Have a great time in T&C -- my friend's entire big fat Greek family goes there now and then, and they always have a great time.
Me said…
YOu guys are hilarious! I would totally read Eat, Pray Love if I hadn't alrady read it a few months ago. (I LOVED IT!)

I will have to pick up Julie and Julia.

Thanks for the recommendations guys!

Bex, I will be going to yoga tomorrow at 5:30pm. Just in case you were going to go then too! -heather
Anonymous said…
i am either going to the 3 pm or 5:30 pm class...if it's the latter i'll see you there!

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