"What Don't You Follow?"

I don't get it.

The Husband is looking at me all "confused."

"How do you follow this? It makes no sense."

He points, waving his hand around at that which does not make sense to him.

"How can any normal human being follow this?" he asks.

I look at him confused myself. I don't see how he CAN'T follow it. I mean, it's pretty logical. It's standard and formulaic.

"You seriously don't get it?" I ask.

"No!" he confirms. All dignified and "Canadian-like."

"Look, " I begin. "It's simple..."

"Sammy, who's marrying this Elvis Demira-guy used to have a thing with Lucas; who is actually the father of her son, Will. BUT, for a number of years she told everyone that Will was Austin's son. Austin and Lucas are brothers, and they hate each other. Both of them loved Carrie, Sammy's sister. And Sammy was jealous of Carrie, because she loved Austin. But she had slept with Lucas and got pregnant. But she had drugged Austin and slept with him after she found out she was pregnant, because she knew that was the only way she could get Austin to be with her... Because he is a stand-up guy. Sammy almost married Austin 10 years ago, until Carrie busted in on the ceremony with the REAL results of the blood tests (which Sammy had always faked when Austin and Will were tested to confirm paternity), showing that it was Lucas, not Austin, who was the father of Will."

"Eventually, Lucas and Sammy got together and made an attempt to raise their son. So I don't even know who this Demira-guy is... Other than the evil Stefano's son. And Stefano - you wouldn't believe what he and his children have done to the Black/Evans/Brady family... So I don't know why she would be with him...Thus, these are the Days of Our Lives. Forever and ever... Amen."

"Dear God," says The Husband. "You watched too much TV growing up."

"Growing up?" I asked. "This isn't from my childhood. This is just from a few years ago. Soap opera story lines don't change much. It's the same things over and over again."

He just doesn't get it. And never will.


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