Holiday Shopping - You Pace Yourselves!

The poll just closed a little while ago for last week's question on holiday shopping. Thanks to all 32 people who voted. I appreciate the votes, especially considering it was a holiday week.

Good news, the majority of you all pace yourselves with your holiday shopping. Additionally, only one of you admitted to being anal retentive and having all your holiday shopping done before Thanksgiving.

Bad news is, ALOT of you wait till the last minute to do your shopping. That makes absolutely no sense to me. Is that in hopes that you'll save some extra money with last minute discounts?

New poll for this week is up. "What's your favorite holiday season drink?"


Anonymous said…
I voted for wait until the last minute. Not really for the hope of sales, but mostly because I just don't find the time. I sometimes have a really hard time finding the "right" gift as well and end up shopping around a lot but hesitate on what to buy. Christmas sometimes just sneaks up on you...December seems to fly right by!

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