Day Clutches...

Slept in incredibly late this morning (10am! - oh my!). Once I finally got up, made breakfast and sent The Husband across the street for my latte (thanks, honey!), I was able to sit down and read this weekend's Style section of the NY Times.

One of the featured bits to day was a piece on Daytime Clutch purses. Apparently they are all the rage now in Manhattan. Even beyond the Upper East Side ladies.

Now, I love the idea of a clutch for the day. Especially if it's a fun color, like the green one I bought last month. But let's be realistic here...

Career gals, especially those who commute, can't always fit their daily needs in a clutch. Even if it is one of the over-sized large clutches.

So how does one stay trendy and still pack what they need into a mere 11 inches by 6 inches? Well, let's breakdown what I typically carry in my big daytime bags, and then see what I can transition into the clutch...

Here's what I normally pack in my bag for work each day...

Contents: one day planner/wallet, a key lime Lara bar, cheapie sunglasses from Jasmine Sola, Clean & Clear blotting sheets, cell phone, mineral make-up compact and brush, Stila lip gloss, Rosebud Salve, Norwegian hand lotion, hair elastic, change purse, eye drops, keys and iPod.

Here's what narrowed down to for the daytime clutch...

Contents: keys, change purse with license/ATM card/Charlie Ticket/Cash, cell phone, Clean & Clear blotting sheets, keys, lip gloss, hand lotion and iPod.

So clearly, if you're going to do the day clutch thing, you need be okay making it through the day with access to the bare minimum. (It's hard for me to go anywhere without my day planner!)

It's not impossible, but it is a challenge. Could you break down your bag to just the bare minimum to take advantage of this current fashion trend?


Anonymous said…
Definitely not. I am such a small girl but always have the biggest bags. I like being able to carry around the book I'm reading, my planner, wallet, inhaler, hand sanitizer, brush, etc. I wish I could use a smaller bag...but when I becomes too cramped. Maybe I need a smaller book and planner?

The more I carry I more frazzled I become...but if I don't find it when I need it...I'll regret switching to a smaller bag haha!
Anonymous said…
You could get a PDA, like the Blackberry Curve w/ address book, calendar, notes, etc that is not at all clunky & removes the need for a day planner. (I love my crackberry!!) Or if you are a Mac user, get the iPhone so then you can combine the iPod, planner and phone - thats ideal but I can't live without my Windows based email. Sigh.

Regardless, I still love the big day bag, and opt for the clutch at night.
Me said…
I used to have a PDA... A Handspring Visor... That was back from 2000 to 2004 though. Then I switched back to my day planner.

I am thinking about getting the iPod Touch, which can be ued as an iPod/ video-viewing/web browser/day planner in one.

I can't get the iPhone though because I will be moving to Canada in early 2009... And I don't want to get screwed with the $200 service cancellation fee.
Sarah said…
i adore clutches and use them all the time. I actually keep my money, phone and absolute neccesities in my clutch and then place the clutch in my bigger work bag with all my other stuff... that way when i am just running out for coffee or an errand down the street i can just grab the clutch! or if going out after work i can just leave my big bag in my trunk and head on out with the clutch.

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