Down Another Pound.

I finally got around to weighing myself for the first time in about three weeks, and discovered I am down another pound. Which means it is actually closer to two or three pounds that I am down, as I have definitely replaced fat with muscle.

I noticed a few days ago when I was taking a shower that my elbows didn't come into contact with the sides of my body at the point where they normally do. I figured (correctly) that it meant I had trimmed in my torso.

As soon as I got out of the shower, I told The Husband about my discovery.

"I didn't want to say anything, because you know how sensitive chicks can be, " he generalized, "but I noticed you had slimmed down. Your back is looking really hot. Not that it wasn't before though."

Well, he sees me every day... And if he has noticed a change in my body shape, then it must be real.

So maybe only another 10 pounds I should lose? Imagine how quickly it would come off if I actually dieted!


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