Sunny Day.

It was sunny again all day today.

Screw and their lousy predictions. It hasn't rained at all since we've been here.

Even though we're on vacation, The Husband and I both keep popping into our email for work to check on things. I usually just do it once, at the end of the day. He does it more frequently than I... Even while at the beach.

All we really have left is tomorrow here at the resort. We booked an early morning flight on Friday back to Boston. There's only so much reading and laying about one can do while on the beach.

You can kind of see in the background of the above picture that there are condos being built on the beach. You see it all over the island of Providenciales, actually. There is a lot of development going on throughout the island... And it ain't cheap either. We saw a penthouse one bedroom with an asking price of $800k.

Now, I love the Turks and Caicos... But there ain't a lot to do here. I enjoy relaxing and all, but after a few days of that, I need city life. And to get access to "city life" in this area, you have to hop on a boat and go to one of the more populated islands in the Caribbean.

Vacation is nice. I am looking forward to getting back to Boston though. The food on the island isn't really that great.


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