So C-C-Cold!


Our apartment is a vortex of odd weather.

In the Summertime, it is hot. So hot that you sweat simply lying on the couch. But as soon as the weather turns, and it gets 45 degrees outside, it turns into an icebox!

It is so cold now in this apartment!!!!

So cold that I am layered in a few t-shirts, a sweatshirt, jeans, two pairs of socks and my new Uggs. I am also wearing cashmere gloves. And I baked cookies a little while ago just to have a reason to turn the oven on for some extra warmth.

I know the heat will be turned on in the building in a few weeks... But it probably won't do much good. This place doesn't really get that warm when the heat is turned on. It just stays an icebox.

Time to think about buying some space heaters!


Anonymous said…
It's too damn hot here! Record breaking temps!
Anonymous said…
There were flurries at O'hare during the week. Nothing measurable. But enough to be noticed :( This morning there's frost on my car. I'm not ready for this coldness.

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