Stangeland Pinot Noir.


Attempting to make good on my resolution to drink more wine, I went in search of a bottle of Pinot Noir this evening after work. The one I initially wanted to get was a 2005 Pinot Noir by Angeline. I had a few weeks back at No. 9 Park. So I stopped off at the Wine Emporium here in the South End to see if they had it.

Unfortunately, they did not. They had actually just run out. But the manager there was able to recommend an equally tasty substitute...

The 2006 Pinot Noir by Stangeland.

It was quite tasty. And I have been savoring my one glass all evening. I may have another glass tomorrow night, after Bikram.

That's livin' on the edge for ya!


Anonymous said…
I'll add this to my shopping list. Another good Pinot Noir is Byron. It's a little pricey ($25) but excellent.
Me said…
Thanks for the tip Dan!

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