Dhanurasana: Bow Pose.
I had a dream last night... I was doing Bikram yoga in it... And I was able to easily and beautifully get into dhanurasana, the floor bow pose.
This is a pose that is difficult for me to execute. You have to use your butt muscles and leg muscles like crazy. You can't rely on gravity to help your back curve and push your legs up. It's pretty much pure ass you gotta rely on. You can't use your arm muscles. And you must keep your knees, legs and feet no more than six inches apart.
It's a difficult pose.
But last night, I had a dream that I was in Bikram class and something clicked in my brain. I figured out how to get into the pose and push my legs up very high.
"Very good Missus," the teacher said to me.
I wish I could remember what exactly it was that synched up in my brain in the dream to make me execute the pose so well. I must make some progress on this pose during this 30-day challenge.
This is a pose that is difficult for me to execute. You have to use your butt muscles and leg muscles like crazy. You can't rely on gravity to help your back curve and push your legs up. It's pretty much pure ass you gotta rely on. You can't use your arm muscles. And you must keep your knees, legs and feet no more than six inches apart.
It's a difficult pose.
But last night, I had a dream that I was in Bikram class and something clicked in my brain. I figured out how to get into the pose and push my legs up very high.
"Very good Missus," the teacher said to me.
I wish I could remember what exactly it was that synched up in my brain in the dream to make me execute the pose so well. I must make some progress on this pose during this 30-day challenge.
Have fun. Yoga is silly!
(p.s. Even though I'm an Ashtangi by trade I have no problem with Bikram.)
No worries Cody. I am actually saving my doubles for later in my 30-day. I am just going to go to one class today and one class tomorrow. I might try the doubles next weekend.
J :)