Warm-Weather Crazies.

So, now that Summer is here... It appears so are all the midnight "crazies" in my neighborhood who like to argue and wake us up in the middle of the night.

For the past three nights, The Husband and I have been woken up to people arguing. Friday night it was people screaming and arguing for about an hour. (It sounded like things were going to break out into a fist fight at any moment.) Then Saturday, it was a house party on one of the back streets behind us. Then, Sunday came, and we figured it would be a "day of rest" for the crazies... But we were wrong.

In the middle of our slumber, we were once again woken up by the sounds of people arguing. Only this time, it was located right behind our apartment. There is a row of houses behind our building, and our back deck looks over some gardens as well as the houses. So we had the pleasure of hearing the entire argument between a few guys, which lasted about 20 minutes.

Good times. The warm weather does bring out the crazies, doesn't it?


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