What I'm Looking Forward To.

Following in the footsteps of one of my favorite bloggers (Flawed Jenn), I am doing a post today covering some of the things I am looking forward to.

Here's my list of things I cam looking forward to:
  • Going on a "meat-free" detox. (I want to '86 meet for a month when I get back. I'm just eating too much of it. I should only be eating it once or twice a week. Being here in Mexico, it's like a "meat vacation." That's all we get is meat. Meat and alcohol.)
  • Getting back into my Bikram practice. (It's been too long. Damn work and illness for getting in the way!)
  • Going to London next week. (Even though it's for work.)
  • Going to Italy in June.
  • Finally sitting down and planning out my Summer wardrobe purchases. (Soon after, to be followed by my Fall purchases.)
  • Getting my pedicure this afternoon. (I haven't had one in nearly a year!)
  • Getting a decent cup of coffee. (Haven't had on eyet in Mexico. I'm totally fine, as I am not addicted to the stuff anymore. But I have been craving one in the past few days. Wednesday was just too long ago!)
  • Getting back to the U.S. on Tuesday and getting access to my work email again.
  • Hiring a search person to work with me.
  • Buying some alovera to smear on my shoulders... As they are the one spot I neglected to hit with my SPF 85 yesterday. (FYI people: The 85 ROCKS! It bocks EVERYTHING out... And I didn't have to reapply!!!!)

(Sorry the picture is sideways. I took it myself.)


Anonymous said…
I'm soooooo not looking forward to sunburns! I could use a pedicure though. I haven't had one in nearly a year as well. Hope you're enjoying your trip!
Julie said…
I've read so much of your blog today and I absolutely LOVE it. You're a breath of fresh air!

I love this city and how you write about it (and all of your other adventures) and I'm just really glad to have found you. Don't move!!! ;)

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