Awkward Couples...

The Husband and I just got back from dinner at Sibling Rivalry. (It was quite tasty!) We had a good table to sit at... But we were sat next to a very awkward and boring couple.

At first, I thought they were probably a fairly new couple. They kept having awkward conversations... As though they didn't really now each other yet. Their cadence had a unfamiliar movement to it. It seemed like they didn't quite know each other well.

The guy, although somewhat geeky, was quite cute. The girl though, she was very snobby. Both The Husband and I later commented on this view. She was a very prissy girl. And (I think) obsessed with working off her entire caloric intake... She kept making comments on the "fattening food" and how she "ran six miles" just for tonight.

I could be wrong though. But I want to stick to my "she's a prissy whack-job who will become frigid after she bullies the guy into an engagement and marriage" idea.

Yet, as we eavesdropped further on the couple's conversation throughout dinner, we realized that they had likely been together for quite a while. Their conversation was peppered with references to friends of theirs... And they even made reference to their parents having had lunch together.

What an odd couple. But then, I really shouldn't talk... I kept referring to The Husband's "hot wife" and how he should make sure "he gets home to her so she doesn't suspect some thing's up."


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