Poached Halibut With Lemon & Fennel.

Believe it or not, I don't actually read Martha Stewart Living every month. In fact, I rarely pick up a copy to reference. Since I left that joint many, many years ago, I stopped having a desire to pick it up.

This month, however, I made an exception.

While traveling back to Boston on Thursday, I found myself with very few options for magazine-reading on the plane. No new glossies were out. So I picked up the January issue of MS Living to browse through. And I am glad I did. Because I found a really kick-ass recipe for poached halibut.

Poaching is probably one of the easiest ways to cook something. For me, I find poaching is easier to be successful at than grilling. With grilling, I often cook the outside too fast and the center ends up being slightly raw. But with poaching, you're cooking the entire ingredient submerged in simmering liquid... So it' hard to over-cook or under-cook it.

The recipe from MS Living was Halibut Poached in Lemon-Fennel Court-Bouillon. Sounds fancy... But really, it was just halibut with potatoes, fennel, leeks, lemon, water and half a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.

Hmm... It turned out beautifully. And it only took about 35 minutes to come together. So simple! And healthy!


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