2007 New Year's Resolutions - A Review.

I was looking back at my blog postings from this time last year, and I decided it would be a good idea to put up a review of what my resolutions were for 2007, and whether or not I was successful.

1. No long work hours. I actually succeeded at this one.... With flying colors, in fact.
2. No giving clients my AIM screen name. I don't work at an agency, so no worries on this one.
3. Bring lunch to work most days. Umm.... Yeah.... I failed miserably at this one. I don't think I ever took my lunch to work this year and actually ate it.
4. Go to yoga four times a week. Well, based on my calculations (meaning actually counting every single time I went to yoga in 2007 - as I wrote it down in my planner each time I went), I got to Bikram yoga 131 times. This was an average of 2.5 times a week.
5. Only two cups of coffee a day allowed. On average, I take in about two cups a day. So SCORE!
6. Water plants every week. Again, another goal accomplished. I only killed two of the 16 plants I got this year.
7. No more "Felicity" DVDs from Netflix. This one got done right away. Though I really should rent them again.
8. Less anger. I think I am less angry than I was a year ago.
9. Continue to focus on more personal writing. Well, I blogged a lot in 2007. So I guess I focused more on my personal writing.
10. Spend more time with friends. I was DEFINITELY better about making time for friends in 2007. MUCH better. I even made quite a few new friends.
11. Call mum every week. Yeah... This one did not get done. I keep in contact with my mum over email every day or every other day.

An excellent year's progress!


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