New Year's Resolutions... 2008 Edition.

I have less than an hour till 2008 arrives... So, in 2008, I resolve to do the following...

Tone up! I have started toning up, with all my training. But I am a person of realistic expectations. I didn't start training with a personal trainer and expect to see immediate results. Hell, I didn't expect to see any changes. I just want to know how to work out properly, and how to make it more creative. I get so easily bored going to a gym and trying to figure out ways to tone my body. Over the past six months though, since I began using a personal trainer, I have begun to tone and learn new ways to do it... But also, I have learned to like running. Or, really, interval training and jogging. So in the new year, I resolve to take my personal training/Pilates/Bikram to a new level... To actually change my body shape... (2007 was all about developing the habit.)

Eat better. One of the things the metaphysician I spoke to a few weeks back mentioned was that I should be a vegetarian. He himself eats meat (I believe), but this was something he picked up in my Chakras. And he's not the first person to make this same observation in 2007. I've had quite a few signs that I should not be eating as much meat as I have been. I should be consuming more plant proteins. But I'm not ready to give up meat altogether... So I have phased out red meat and pork on a regular basis... And am alternating between poultry/fish and plant proteins. I have also begun to circulate more fruit into my eating habits. And I never used to eat fruit. So, I'm done with processed foods.

Drink a LOT less coffee. Like the meat, I'm not giving it up... I'm just not going to have the two to three cups a day I was used to getting. Instead, I'm switching to teas. Black, green and herbal. Coffee should be a treat, not a daily expectation.

Drink more wine. I don't dabble much with the hard liquor or beer. (Like once every few months, as a social event.) But I could stand to take in more wine. They say a glass a day is good for you. It helps you relax. I am aiming for having a glass every other day.

Buy no new clothes/shoes/bags in January. January is a MAH-JOR sale season in retail. But often I find myself buying crap I don't need and won't wear very much, just because it was on sale. So in January, I will not buy any of this stuff.

Ask Mr. Sports (my boss) if I can "work from home" a lot less. Right now, I average asking him this once a day. Now that I have worked for him for damn near a year, I feel he has been properly "hazed" and now "non-phased" by this attempt for liveliness. So, with that, I also resolve to...

Find new ways to keep the workplace lively. Because really, my "bits" are getting old there. Time for fresh material. And they can't fire me for bringing poor material to the table... I've now made myself indispensable. (At least in my brain I am "indispensable.")

Return my Netflix DVDs in a timely fashion, so that I can avoid going through only 10 DVDs in the span of four months. Seriously, I am so bad about watching DVDs and returning them right away. I've had "Reign Over Me" since BEFORE I went to the Turks and Caicos.

Develop a schedule for my daily activities, and stick to it. This is another thing the metaphysician asked me to work on in the near term. He said I tend to better when I have set rituals ad schedules. So, Sunday mornings (for example) will be "cleaning time" in my household. And Sunday afternoons will be "gym and yoga time at Equinox." Saturdays at 9am will be for Bikram class. Friday nights are for friends or relaxing. (Or both.)

Blog 1,000 times in 366 days. That's right, 2008 is a Leap Year. So I get 366 days to put out 1,000 blog postings. The Husband and I developed a strategy on how to get this done... And I am ready to roll.


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