Let's Get Ready to Exercise!

The weekly poll just closed a little while ago. (Thank you to all 47 of you who voted!)

As for new year's resolutions... The majority of you are looking to lose weight. Though, "getting out of debt" wasn't that far behind in terms of votes.

Hopefully each of you will find the tools and willpower you need to accomplish your main new year's resolution. I'll be typing up my resolutions for you all a little later tonight.

A new poll is up for this week. Winter just started a little over a week ago, and we (in Boston) have already had a bit of snow. If this is a sign of what's to come this season, it is going to feel like one long winter. So, for this week's poll, I want to know from you is...

"With the long winter ahead, I am keeping myself busy (and not depressed) by..."

Thanks! And don't forget to vote!


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