Christmas Presents!

So many presents!

After everyone finally got up this morning, we got to open presents. I got my cutting board, bread box, some new bowls and gift certificates to Crate and Barrel. At home in Boston, I have a few presents from The Husband as well... Shoes, some home stuff, even more training sessions (I am set till March on training sessions now) and gift cards to Starbucks and Barnes and Noble.

And since it's Christmas morning, I can finally reveal what I told my family to get my husband for Christmas...

His own George Foreman Grill!!!

The Husband was really upset when I threw our old one out a few years ago. It was his kitchen cooking staple. Now though, he has a really "pimped out" one. And it even has a waffle plate to go in it.

I predict there will be many grilled chicken and turkey burger dinners in my future.


Unknown said…
Hi Missus,

i feel this year less of my friends bothered to get a tree, as if a tree is not essential for presents giving. i think its great sharing the presents with everybody, so people will get back to the right spirit!!!

The Scout
freeandflawed said…
That grill looks pretty bad ass. I'd make waffles for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Glad to see you had a Merry Christmas :)
Shari said…
OK, I am dying to know. Why did you throw his old grill out?
Me said…
I threw it out because it was grosso.

The non-stick coating had pretty much all come off. And he never cleaned it properly. It would always have left-over char marks from the previous meal.

I am hoping that he takes better care of this one.

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