Twice The Content. Twice The Fun?

Wow! I have been a blogging machine this year!

With my last post, I officially doubled the number of blog posts I wrote this year from last year.

In all of 2006, I put up 431 posts. That was a pretty big accomplishment, and meant that I was blogging every day. Well, 2007 isn't even over yet (I still have two weeks!), and I have already done double the writing I did last year.

"Well done" to me!

Now I will have to come up with a goal for next year... Perhaps "1,000 Posts in 365 Days"?


Anonymous said…
pretty neat!!! congrats
freeandflawed said…
Congrats, congrats :) I like looking back to see how much I actually wrote in a year. It makes me wonder if I really have that much to say or if I just have too much time on my hands :)

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