Dream Symbols.

I don't recall what exactly happened in my dream last night... I only recall the following...
  • I saw a big basket filled with perfect eggs.
  • A co-worker and I were each trying to buy a toaster.
  • I saw a man and a little girl sitting in a cafe. The man and I began talking about adoption of the little girl. He was the little girl's foster father.
According to my dream dictionary, each of these elements means:

Eggs - To see or eat eggs in your dream, symbolizes fertility, birth and your creative potential. It indicates that something new is about to happen.

Toaster - To see a toaster in your dream, suggests that you are quick witted and quick-thinking. It may also refer to your continuous flow of ideas.

Adoption - To dream that you or others are adopting a child, indicates that you are taking on something new and different. Ask yourself what is missing in your life that would make you happy.


I already knew I was "quick-witted." But it's nice to know that my subconsciousness feels this way too. The other two elements though, looks like some new ideas are brewing in my head. There must be a new project coming my way. And it must involve my quick-witted-ness.


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