Bit Of A Bone To Pick.

Now, I live in a cute brownstone on Tremont Street. Every apartment in the building is owned by its occupants, except for mine. My landlords (who are really cool) live in NYC.

Now, for the past three winter seasons (including this one), the only people who I see shoveling snow after a snowfall are my incredibly kind neighbor upstairs and my husband. No one else in the building helps them out, or takes it upon themselves to shovel... AND THEY ALL OWN PIECES OF THE BUILDING!!!!

Now, I think it's incredibly unfair to both my upstairs neighbor and my husband. All owners in the building are responsible for the sidewalk and steps outside, and SHOULD be helping shovel.

Where is the neighborly-ness in my building!?!?!?

People, get off your asses and help out!!!! There's no reason my husband should be the only one at 9pm at night shoveling. And there's no reason why my upstairs neighbor should be the only one who gets up at 5:30am and shovels!

And, I have to give huge props to my upstairs neighbor... Not only does he remove the snow, he also removes any layer of packed snow or ice. AND he shovels a pathway to the street so that commuters can hop on the 43 bus more easily.

He rocks. A little more than my husband, who also rocks a whole lot. Everyone else in the building has the potential to rock... But not today.



I was insane and went out in the South End last night. (For further insanity, I spent different parts of the night of the first snowstorm of the season in Quincy, the South End and Somerville!!) As much as I hate snow, the neighborhood looked positively magical last night.
ActionBobMarkle said…
darling...don't you remember the story of the little red hen...? one wanted to help but everyone wanted a piece of bread...?...most people aren't worth a damn when the chips are down, haven't you learned that yet??
Me said…

I would expect nothing less from the man who says "Let's give them all guns and let them just get rid of themselves."

God! Can't believe it's been almost a year since you started working at Digit-ass!
Anonymous said…
Rude people in Boston?

Your kidding me!

Next thing you know, you'll start posting comments about people not making eye contact, or smiling, or the regional inability to wear colors other than black or brown from now until April :)
Me said…
Wait! You mean there ARE colors other than black or brown in Boston?

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