Arby's - It Was Meant To Be.

For two years, The Husband and I both worked in Downtown Crossing (Boston). His office was three blocks away from mine. Yet, we never commuted to work together (he would take the subway, I would either ride the bus or walk). And we only ate lunch together ONCE in the two years.

We would see each other in the mornings and the evenings, at home, despite our close proximity all day.

Now, here in Toronto, my husband works downtown. Near the Eaton Centre. We live in Yorkville, a few subway stops up from the Centre. I do my thing during the day. He does his work and world-domination thing.

We will never see each other during the day. Or so I thought...

This morning, I did my usual routine of grabbing coffee and going for a walk in Queen's Park. (When it is sunny out, I love hanging in the park and writing.) About halfway through a story arc I was writing out, I got a craving for an Arby's roast beef sandwich.

Random, I know. But this whole Bikram 60-day challenge thing combined with vegetarianism has been tough. Actually, impossible. I am craving beef like MAD lately. So I wondered, "Where is there an Arby's nearby?" And of course, a mall food court popped into my head.

So off to the Eaton Centre I went. Once there, I went directly to Arby's to get my sandwich and pop. I ate it quickly, as I was starving and hadn't eaten anything yet today. I threw my trash away and started to leave.

Walking towards the escalators, I saw someone going up them. Someone dressed in a navy pinstripe suit and light blue dress shirt, with dark brown hair.

"HUMAN!" I called out.

The Husband turned around, looked down at me, and smiled. He hopped on the "Down" escalator to head back towards me.

I held up my pop cup and said, "I was craving Arby's. So I cam down here to get some."

He laughed and help up his paper sack. "I was craving Arby's too."

We sat down at a table for him to finish his lunch. We had ordered the exact same thing.

"It's funny," I pointed out, "We are nowhere near each other during the day now. But yet, we randomly ran into each other for lunch. We never did that in Boston, and it's much smaller."

He pointed out that it was even more random, as he never goes to Arby's and usually eats lunch about 11:30am. It was 12:30pm when we met up.

It was meant to be. Arby's was meant to be.


That Girl! said…
Aww tears for Human and you :)

I love when I randomly run into E. It's like the best thing ever!
awww. I used to work at Arby's so when I saw your title I was like hmm...must read. I gotta say this blog was super cute. The two of you have great chemistry. I have yet to meet someone like that:(
Vanessa said…
What a great memory made, that is a true story of serendipity!

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