Bikram Yoga Challenge: Days 7/60 & 8/60.

Yes... I did a double today. I did the noon class. And then I turned around two and a half hours after the first one ended, and did the 4pm class.

I made damn sure to find some Emergen-C Electro-Mix to drink in the second class though. Got to rehydrate!

The first class I took was really "juicy." I tucked myself into the front left corner of the room and just allowed myself to sweat a huge puddle. A puddle I didn't really notice until it was time for Head-to-Knee-with-Stretching-Pose. When I was walking my hips back and forth, while grabbing my toes, I heard the puddle...

"Squish! Squish! Squish!"

And because the class was full-ish... The people around me heard it too. It made me giggle.

I finished class and showered quickly. Then I ran to the grocery store, picked up watermelon and my Emergen-C and headed back home. I spent the next hour and a half rehydrating.

The second class was tough. Sure, my body was warmed up and limber from the first class. But holy hell, I could not keep my balance in the balancing poses! And I was fidgeting worse than a sinner in church on Sunday!

I should have spaced my two classes out. I should have done the 9am and 4pm. But I just couldn't drag my ass out of bed in time for the 9am.

Tomorrow I will hit the 4pm. I have special projects to do in the morning. Only 52 classes left!


Rebekah said…
Heheh...that was me on Saturday. I took my first morning class and hadn't really hydrated well. I looked more than a little drunksy stumbling around in the standing poses. Then, I was walking home (lucky to live only about 10 blocks away!) I felt a lovely breeze and actually thought "someone finally turned the air conditioning on." Um..yeah... I drank some ONE and felt much better. Needless to say I am drinking up tonight for my 6 am class tomorrow!

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