Picture Of The Day: Canadian Starbucks Cup.

Today's "Picture of the Day" has two talking points. But first... Here is today's picture...

It's a picture of my Grande Starbucks cup.

First, please note that the "The Way I See It" section is written in both English and French.

The second thing I wanted to note is the actual message:
Failure's hard, but success is far more dangerous. If you're successful at the wrong thing, the mix of praise and money and opportunity can lock you in forever.
This is so very true. At least, I know I have experienced it myself. That's how I felt about working in search marketing for the past six years. I was good at it... (And let's be real... It's not rocket science... And people who are bad at it must be complete morons. It's not hard at all.) And it paid really, ridiculously well.

So, when you have something that you are good at and that pays well, you automatically get tied up with it. And you forget to notice, "Hey! I have no passion for this!" You only think, "It pays well, and people tell me I am good at it. It must be my destiny."

"Only if you choose it to be," is what I have learned.

I, however, am choosing another choice.


The Mama In Red said…
I am a big advocate of doing something you love. It's not worth it if you don't. As long as you have a choice, because I understand how some people don't. (Even though I think you have a choice in EVERYTHING you do.)
Catherine said…
I've loved that quote ever since I first read it. I actually kept the cup on my desk at work for a little while just so I could keep re-reading it. It's so true and I'm finding myself at that crossroad right now myself. I can only to find something I truly love before I get roped in and convince myself that what I'm doing now is what I want to do
Vanessa said…
I've had that cup before and loved the sentiment. Thanks again for the reminder of it.

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