Dream: Westward Cat, Teaching Bikram.

My nocturnal activity has been vivid again lately. Last night, I had two separate dreams...

In the first, I saw a beetle crawling across the floor in my house. I was freaked out and following the little creature move from one side of the room to the other. Eventually, my Mum pointed at it and said, "It's so cute." And that's when it transformed into a ginger tabby cat. The cat stood up on it's hind legs and began pointing its paws in one direction.

"It's pointing West," I noted. "What's in the West?"

That is all I remember from that dream.

In the second dream, I was teaching Bikram yoga. I was new at it. And my class was full of people. As I was guiding people with the dialogue, I kept getting stopped by practitioners. They wanted to know more about how to do a pose, or what it helped cure. They wanted the knowledge I had. I felt bad for some of the students in class, who were visibly frustrated by the continuous interruptions. One told me, after class, "You needs to just tell them to talk to you after class. The disruptions are unfair to the rest."

That's when I woke up from that dream. Here are my interpretations...

Dream One: Beetles represent a destructive influences on values and beliefs. Depending on the relationship with your mother, she represents the nurturing of character. The cat represents independence, creativity and femininity. The direction of "West" represents growth and opportunity.

I think I have been in a mood of self-induced negativity in recent months. ("Oh, I can't do anything now. I have to wait. I have to wait till I move before I look for work. Oh, I am going to Teacher Training, I can' work before then. I don't want to write a book about this because it has been done before, and badly. Who am I to think that I can approve upon it?")

This dream was a confirmation that I need to go to Teacher Training in the Fall. All things creative are flowing through me, I just need to realize that they are there. Going to Teacher Training is going to help open up that creativity.

Dream Two: Dreaming of being a teacher (if you are not one already) represents sharing your knowledge. (Pretty obvious.) Yoga represents harmony and control of the mind-body connection. Being interrupted in a dream represents being side-tracked.

This dream was my subconscious telling me to tell everything that is distracting me from focusing to "shut the hell up." I have information to share. My mind wants me to share it. But I keep getting side-tracked. I need shut-out the distractions.


LKH said…
Hello Missus! I just LOVE your blog! One of my favorite Bikram teachers recently said in class that having vivid dreams is one of the positive side effects of a regular practice. How fantastic that your dreams provided some insight! Best of luck at tt and if you ever guest teach in San Diego I will be there!
Me said…
Many thanks LKH!

I agree... I think vivid dreams are a side effect of yoga. I also get them when I have regular acupuncture.
Renee said…
I get vivid dreams when I do hot/bikram yoga regularly as well! How funny... however lately I have been having very vivid dreams, but not very pleasant dreams. Where do you find the meaning of your dreams?
Me said…
Hi Renee.... I use www.dreammoods.com

that is a good one.

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