Bikram Yoga Challenge: 29/60.

Another great teacher (Paul) in today's class!

I, however, was a train wreck. Paul even noted it. When in the warm-up and balancing poses, I kept falling all over the place.

"You've been hit by the yoga truck today," he said to me.

I laughed... It was true. But he appreciated my determination to get back into the poses. Even after I pushed my butt all the way back in the first part of Awkward pose and stumbled backwards, after losing my balance.

Can you imagine?!?!

I've never had that happen before in that pose. I've fallen backwards out of Triangle, after pushing my bent leg's knee all the way back. But the first part of Awkward?

Oh I have so much work to do in the next 30 days. After tomorrow's class, I am halfway through! Only 31 classes left!


Frogger said…
You're doing great! Keep it up! It's an inspirational goal for all those following you.
Me said…
Thanks Frog!

I may keep going after the 60 days... Shoot for a full 100. Am I psycho? Perhaps.
cath said…
Yes you are psycho but I love hearing about it, so definitely consider the 100 days. What does 100 days of Bikram do to a person? (Do you know of anyone who has done this?)

I would be ecstatic to just do 1 week straight, which ain't gonna happen anytime soon. I clearly violate your work 45 hours/week max philosophy on a regular basis.
Me said…
Oh Cath! You are me from three years ago.

Sometimes, just showing up to class is enough of a commitment. Sometimes, that is your 110% for that class. Even if you sit out the second set of every posture.

I tell people that the first time I ever did a 30-day challenge, I had to quit my agency job. Totally true, and totally one of the best things I ever manifested.
thedancingj said…
Oh - that's good! You're supposed to fall backwards in 1st part of awkward! I've never done it, but it is such a good sign. Emmy says that the pose STARTS when you are right on the knife-edge of balance, so that one more tiny push backwards would land you on your butt on the floor.

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