Picture Of The Day: Radiohead Kid Dracula.

About 11 years ago, I was a resident assistant (RA) at the University of Arizona. Each RA was responsible for putting on a few events each semester. I wasn't really into planning something elaborate... So I would always take the easy way out.

Usually, I showed movies. And one evening, I showed Dark Side of the Rainbow. It's The Wizard of Oz set to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. It was trippy how well the two pieces synced up together.

I hadn't thought about that creative mash again until this afternoon when I was walking around the city and saw these...

They are flyers for various events at a nearby school. And two of them involve movies synced with entire albums... Alice In Wonderland with Pink Floyd's The Wall... And Nosferatu synced with Radiohead's Kid A.

I am tempted to go see the Radiohead Kid Dracula one.


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