Bikram Yoga Challenge: 16/60.

I have to pull a double today to make up for missing class on Saturday. I went to my first class this morning at 9am. Here is what my body was saying to me in class:

"Lady, what the HELL are you thinking? I ain't doing shit! Bite me!"

And here was what I said to my body... "Well, fuck you body! Yes you will!"

And thus began the fight between my body's exhaustion and my English Bulldog determination. They battled it out all during class. But I made it through. And now, I have a lot of energy.

I am actually looking forward to class 17 at 4pm. But this is what happens when you do a Bikram Yoga Challenge. Right around the halfway point, your body fights you. And it is a struggle to get through class without running screaming from the class, kicking every person in your way as you run out.

You are on emotional overload. It's all internal, as proven by the fact that after class I felt like I could run a mile. And I don't run.

Well, only for kick ass shoe sales. And then it's more of a sprint. Just like The Bolt.

Only 43 classes left!


Anonymous said…
Honestly stop complaining. You don't even have a job. All you do is go to yoga. Give me a F-ing break.
Me said…

Who is complaining, loser Anonymous? Looks like the only one who is complaining here is Y-O-U. You are jealous because I am living in Canada, career-less?

Trust me, I am looking for a job. But yes, I have the LUXURY and I am grateful for it) of NOT having to just take ANY JOB. I can pick and choose.

Oh! I get it now. You are jealous of the fact that I have chosen in life NOT to settle for anything. I CHOOSE to manifest and attract good things to me.

Perhaps you should stop being a whine-y bitch and trying to leave nasty comments on my blog, (I am presuming this is the same person who regularly likes to leave nasty comments. My "bad" if you aren't.) and start manifesting your own positive energy?

My advice to you, and to everyone:

Anonymous said…
Uhhh...looks like you are choosing "no job." And what exactly do you "manifest and attract" to you? Besides, of course, lattes and designer shoes. And I have never commented on your blog before. Not sure what you're talking about. I mean, it makes sense that there are others that find your "writing" - I use the term very loosely - cloying and obnoxious. Forget the Bikram challenge. How about a challenge where you actually do something productive and/or meaningful with your day? Or are you just a character in your own, shallow internet self-portrait? Must be exhausting.
Me said…

Well, first, thank you for being narcissistic enough to come back and verify that your comment was indeed published. I DOUBT that you haven't visited before or commented before... Because your tone is very familiar. And if you had any balls, you would at least think up a better name than "Anonymous" for your comment posts.

Second... You are right. Right now, I am choosing "no job" over settling.

I am so sorry you seem to be one of those people who simply settles in life. Because, clearly, you don't get it... WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO FOCUS ON POSITIVE THINGS, GOOD THINGS WILL HAPPEN.

If all you do is act negatively and complain, you are attracting nothing but negativity into your life.

And I like designer shoes, and coffee drinks... So what? I also (clearly) love Bikram. And I also like jeans. And fashion magazines. And Sunday morning political shows. And traveling with girl friends. And fast food dinners with my husband. Yes, who I am on the blog is the person I am in real life... And a lot of people, myself included, like me.

Is there something wrong with any of this?

And you may not enjoy my writing, but you know what Anonymous? I get over 30,000 hits on this blog a MONTH. Sure, not all of them are fans of my "writing"... But I appreciate every single visit.

As for your opinion of my writing... Who cares? What are you doing online that is worth reading? I am willing to bet "NOTHING."

No... The only writing you get to do is leave nasty comments on people's blogs. And you're not even brave enough to give yourself a byline to leave it under.

Here's hoping you find a way to publish yourself in the future!
cath said…
Oh my god, I am new to this blog and I find Anonymous's comments so hilarious. I'm trying to imagine what kind of person would purposely go out of their way to make such comments. These statements are reflective of who you are as a person and the sad, negative and attention-hungry life you lead. It's really pathetic yet amusing at the same time.

On a different note, thanks Missus for the heads up on the emotional and physical challenges I may encounter if I ever decide to take the 30/60 Bikram challenge. I'll know it's not just me when I hit those tough spots.
Duffy Pratt said…
Where the body starts to complain varies from person to person. For me, it wasn't until about day 40. Mary Jarvis has an interesting discussion about the phases people go through druing a 100 day challenge:

Why do you bother feeding trolls?
30,000 hits/month? Doubt it. said…
Already been published, thanks. Here's hoping you get there someday (doubtful).

Also - what's with the byline business? How is "The Missus" any more "real" or "authentic" than "Anonymous"? "The Missus" is just as anonymous, but in my opinion is an attempt to inject your online identity with a little personality - I guess telling the world that you're married. Which we all know already, because otherwise you'd be collecting unemployment and living on the street. Anyways, just for you, I'll make up a name. Doubt you'll like it, though.
Me said…
Cath: It definitely won't be just you if you do a challenge and feel your body rebelling. I am glad I (and others who comment here) can help you with any of your Bikram questions.

Duffy: Thanks so much for the link! A 100-day challenge? Holy crap! Didn't even think about that! Thanks! And good point on the trolls.

30k: I appreciate your envy. :)
NewToBikram said…
I'm so pleased that you see the motivation behind Anonymous's comments for what it is, envy, and don't take her/his comments to heart.

For what it's worth, I think your life sounds fabulous, too! What the Anon poster should do though, is to look for the good in their own life, and then they could be happy for, not envious of, other people who are happy.

Back to Bikram, though, I was the one who asked about going to class during that time of the month. Thanks to your advice, I went last night and ROCKED! I had such great balance and concentration. I'm still new so I can't go very deep into the asanas, but I did really great for my own level. Thanks for your great blog!
Me said…
You're welcome, Newbie!

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