20-Minute Fish Tacos.

Sometimes I don't really know what to make for dinner... And when you eat meat, it can often take foresight or a willingness to leave the house... Because usually it means you have to defrost something or head out to the grocery store.

But last night I was able to whip together some veggie and fish tacos in less than 20 minutes, and without having to defrost anything... As I had the fish in the fridge from a few days before, after a grocery trip.

They look delicious... And have spinach, onions, carrots and avocado. Healthy, quick and tasty!


Anonymous said…
I remember those from London. They were fantastic. How do you cook the fish? I was in a wine fog that night I think!
Me said…
LOL! Thanks Beth!!!

I forgot that I had made those for you gals when we were shacked up in that London flat!

I throw a little olive oil in a skillet, over medium high heat.. And then I throw the fish in, and squeeze a little lemon or lime over it. I let it cook for about four minutes on each side.
bonbonagogo said…
mmm, mmm, mmm, FISH TACOS!
Me said…
Why does it read "sexual" when you write it, Bonni?

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