PMS Buddy?
Do you become a total lunatic bi-atch right before your "time of the month?"
No? Me neither. I have no idea what the hell people are talking about... I am always the same sugar-sweet person, 24/7/365.
But in case I ever do develop a bitchy side associated with my menstrual cycle, it is good to know that I can rely on PMS Buddy to keep everyone I know and care about up to date on where I am in my cycle.
From the website... is a free service created with a single goal in mind: to keep you aware of when your wife, girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter, or any other women in your life are closing in on"that time of the month" - when things can get intense for what may seem to be no reason at all.
Woah... I wouldn't exactly say things get "intense" for "no reason at all"... And I wouldn't want people keeping track of my cycle... I like to keep people on their toes. Keep them guessing as to whether it's PMS or just me being a bi-atch for the fun of it.
With a program like this, it could ruin my liberty to be a bi-atch and always blame it on PMS.