How Often Do You Color Your Hair?

I am always lagging on the beauty treatments.

I get my brows waxed only every four or five months. Bikini waxings happen a little more often. I stopped getting regular facials, but could use a more regular peel to ward off wrinkles. The last time I had a proper pedicure was late last Summer. And my hair color??? This is probably the worst.

I like to get my one-color process (to cover the grey, blonde and red) of brown every two months. But I usually wait till about three and a half or four months to get it done. I get side-tracked with trying to schedule the hair coloring around Bikram classes, and I just never get to it. Because once I get my hair colored, I can't go to Bikram for at least two days. The color would run out from all the sweat.

But I was curious as to how often otehr people get their hair colored. And if they do it themselves, or if they get it done professionally... The polls are to the right.


Anonymous said…
I am just the same I know it needs doing but I can never seem to get round to scheduling it. I'm glad I'm not alone!
BFW (Tammy) said…
I am pretty gray, so I get my single process very regularly... especially since I where an unnatural shade of red. In a pefect world (when I am working) I go every 5 weeks... 6 weeks ONLY IF I can't get an appt. This time, I've waited like 7 weeks (I go tomorrow), but only b/c I have no money and my colorist was on vacation. And yes, I go to a salon... Shag in South Boston (I love it).
mbs001 said…
I get my hair covered at exactly every fours weeks. I put highlights in and having roots show just makes me feel dirty. I really enjoy reading your blog. This is my first post.
mbs001 said…
I get my hair covered at exactly every fours weeks. I put highlights in and having roots show just makes me feel dirty. I really enjoy reading your blog. This is my first post.

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