"What Part Of 'God Wanted Me To Have It' Did You NOT Understand?""

Really, people... I am not a kleptomaniac. But when I come across an interesting item, sometimes I must insist on taking it. Especially when I randomly find the item on a seat, and no one comes by to claim the item during the four hours I am seated at the seat. After four hours, and no response from the owner? I think the item is up for grabs.

The item in question? A lovely and cashmere-y soft burgundy plaid scarf...

This beautiful scarf was on my seat when I arrived at M Bar this early evening for a cocktail with Frogger. We sat through a few cocktails, some cheese plates and veggies spring rolls... And a visit from Bail... And no one came by to claim the scarf. So I decided it was meant to be mine.


When I got home... I got this long lecture from The Husband about "stealing stuff." He is not happy with me about the pillow incident. But I pointed out to him that this time it wasn't "stealing." It was, as Bail pointed out when I debated about taking the scarf, that it was "scarf karma."

The scarf was meant to be mine.

Truth is, actually... I wrapped the scarf around my neck during cocktails, and I forgot about it till after we walked out of the bar. And then I figured since no one had come by to claim it after four hours of sitting there, it was meant to be mine... Since I absentmindedly walked out of the bar wearing it.

It is a really great scarf. And I don't know that I would ever find a scarf as nice on my own at a boutique. I think this is a real find. Plus, it was free.


That Girl! said…
Didn't you lose your Burbery trench earlier this year? In that case, I think it's absolutely karma that the scarf came into your life ;) I say keep it and fuck any guilt!

Personally, I have issues with wearing clothing that someone else has worn unless I know that person. It makes vintage shopping a null concept for me. I'm always afraid of other people's bad juju.
Oy vey...I'm afraid I'm with the husband on this one. And doesn't scarf karma mean you'll lose something next? I.e., you lost your trench, you "found" the pillow, you found the scarf, you lose [insert here]...

What about leaving your email with the bar management so the scarf owner can contact you if she/he returns to look for it? Had you turned it into the bar directly, someone else would eventually be the beneficiary of your find if the owner never claimed it. This way, you get to keep it if they don't reclaim it. And if they do claim it, the scarf karma won't come back around on you.

Take it for what it's worth...I'm a catholic girl with catholic guilt and a penchant for rule-keeping. =)
Frogger said…
I'm slightly concerned that the 'taking trend' only happens when you're with me, but since I often benefit from it I won't complain too much. (There is a special place in hell for us).

Good news: I tried on the purple dress w/ the tuxedo jacket and I'm quite happy. Thanks, again, for the tip!
Anonymous said…
no way!! that is a weak justification Missus. What about lost and found??? what about the person calling up M Bar saying, I left my favorite scarf...

just sayin...
Me said…
All valid points people. All valid points. I was looking the scarf this morning... I don't think I will be keeping it. It will be going back to M Bar.
bonbonagogo said…
What happened to the 'Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers' law of 1847?

I am only kidding. My old roommate once borrowed this hat of mine and I had specifically told him NOT to take it. Of course, he lost it. A few years later, we were at a Phish show (ironically, that's where he had lost it), and we saw a guy wearing it. We KNEW it was the hat. I had gotten it in London. We approached the guy and we told him what happened and he totally lied about where he got it. Baaaad karma!

As for taking that pillow from an event...that's totally kosher. They weren't going to do anything with those after anyway, I'm sure.

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