
There are no words...


(Please 'scuse the skanky pedicure. I haven't re-polished in over two weeks.)


Anonymous said…
Gorgeous, nice work!
Me said…
Aww! Thanks!

Yeah... Should have taken the offer of someone else to shoot the picture for me. It was hard to take it myself!

Good thing I do yoga.
Bayjb said…
Very drool-worthy. Your pedi looks fine. My mani however, diaster.
That Girl! said…
They look fantastic on you!
That Girl! said…
They look fantastic on you!
Arielle said…
Omg, I WANT THEM. So hot!
Anonymous said…
Those shoes look far better on you than on Giselle...honestly!
Me said…
LOL! Aw! Thanks Kimberley!

It must be the Violet-colored nail polish.
Anonymous said…
one word: cankles
Me said…
Oh please!

I so do NOT have cankles!

If anything... My ankles and lower legs are quite sexy-looking. I have toned calves - always have... And my ankles are strong.

What do YOUR lower legs look like, Mr. Joe???
Anonymous said…
HAHA! My man legs and calves are thinner than that - fire your trainer sweetie - they are robbing you blind!!
Dish This! said…
ha cankles yeah right!! not even. and ps those shoes are amazing.
Me said…
What are you talking about?

Listen, I am not an "ana-rexy" self-hater like you... Good for you for starving yourself down to thin ankles!!!

(Let's everyone clap for "Joe.")

And Joe, in case you are unaware of basic anatomy, please allow me to explain something to you...


I would much rather be muscular and able to high kick your "feminine legged" ass than walk around with "ana-rexy" ankles and calves.

Please, go eat something... And stop "hating." Both on me and on yourself.
Me said…
Thanks "Dish!"
Vanessa said…
Fantastically sexy shoes! Love them!

Joe? Find a hobby, you have too much free time, hon.
Angie said…
Oh my god. I can't believe we are discussing cankles (which the Missus definitely does NOT have), when we should be discussing the amazing new shoes!! Which, seriously, really are amazing.. so jealous.

Go away, Joe, and your skinny little chicken legs.
Anonymous said…
Angie - you are probably fat too - do you go to the same classes as Missus? Get your money back!!
Anonymous said…
Holy, viciousness for the day!

Those shoes are fab Missus, don't mind the haters. Ridiculous!
BFW (Tammy) said…
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! And very jealous!!!

And as for Joe? Jackass...

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