Sorry, "Anonymous" Cyber-Bullying Not Allowed.

For you jackasses who may not be aware... I have a policy for this blog.

"If you're going to leave a nasty comment, at least take the time to make up a fake name."

I do not allow negative "anonymous" comments. I appreciate all comments, even the kind that are left by losers who have nothing better to do than leave bullying comments. But you MUST leave a name. That way, I can efficiently address you.

As I have written before, I am perfectly happy with comments that disagree with my view on something. But comments that are only meant to criticize and not stimulate productive commentary are not welcome if left anonymously.

The Missus


Anonymous said…
Ok I will repeat myself - if we cut your foot off - can we tell how old you are by the rings?
Me said…

If you cut off my foot, you would see bone... And veins... And blood... And tissue...

But if you are wondering how old I am, I will just tell you, "Fatty"...

I am 31.

Though, I will be 32 in a few months. And the shoes are a b-day treat for myself.
Anonymous said…
I thought your website was up for bullying everyone....seems like all you ever do is talk crap about other people? I guess I was confused about your writing style.
Me said…
No, no, no... My friend.

YOU seem to only have time to "talk crap about people."
Anonymous said…
"Fat girl in a little shoeeee"
Anonymous said…
This conversation is Lame. You're both bitches. THE END
Me said…
If this conversation is "Lame", Drama... Why bother commenting?
Megan Johnson said…
Missus, don't even bother responding to some troll who hates their life. I get hateful comments all the time...i kind of enjoy it now. keeps me on my toes!
Anonymous said…
Cause stupid people need to know. This whole blog is stupid and a waste of anyone's time who stumbles upon matter what shoes they are wearing when they fall into it by a mis-type on Google looking for something that is partly interesting.
Me said…
If this a stupid waste, dear "Drama", then why do you continue to comment on it?

Sounds like we're NOT the ones wasting our lives. You sound bitter, though. How can we help you to be a more fulfilled person?
Anonymous said…
Clap, Clap, Clap. Way to go Missus! Seriously, who has free time to leave hateful messages on people's blogs.

Low self-esteemed people of course!
I never understand....if the blog is "such a waste of time" why comment??? Seriously, why? I love the shoes, love your ankles, and think that the haters should just click away should they accidentally stumble upon a blog they don't find enjoyable.

Seriously, we are in the middle of a war, a recession, and in Boston a cold freeze. Isn't there anything that you all can do with your time then comment on The Missus' perfectly normal calves and ankles. And yes I have seen them and they are perfectly proportioned and are also well toned.

Did I mention that I lurve the shoes?

BFW (Tammy) said…
Well, you know I have had my fair share of negative comments from time to time too. I too have started to enjoy it... there's nothing better than telling someone to ram it up their A$$ from time to time!

Love the shoes, love the ankles and as you know by now, love the blog. 'nuff said.
Anonymous said…
Yeah Missus you totally rock - who cares if you have larger than normal ankles and eat crap food then waste your money on a gym memberships that do nothing for you!! Then go out and buy $1000 shoes to make yourself feel better! SO cool!!
Me said…

Wait... Who says the training sessions and gym membership do nothing for me? They do a lot, actually.

And the shoes were not $1000. And I certainly didn't buy them to make me "feel better." I may have alluded to not feeling "useful" lately because I am not working... But I feel pretty good most days. And I try to bring a little of that enthusiasm to the blog.

I mean... I could go around, hating on the world... Just as you do, "You Rock,"... But I think that life is much more positive and exciting than you do, I guess.
HerMoves said…
FH- Why would anyone leave comments like this unless they were insanely jealous of a person? And jealous you should be FH. This blog has done nothing but represent the thoughts of a warm hearted, fashionable and strong woman. Thoughts that you obviously are intrested enough to read on a daily basis.

Rock on Missus.

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