They're Not Fat, They Just Can't Dress Themselves!

I am surprised no one has really brought this up...  

A while back, when Jennifer Love Hewitt was getting grief for those pictures of herself in a bikini on a beach, I was shocked by how quickly people were jumping to call her "fat."  

Toned arms.  Slightly toned stomach.  Umm...  She wasn't fat.  

And the same with Jessica Simpson and the performance she gave at that chili cook-off a few weeks back...

Toned arms. Thin thighs.  She doesn't have a weigh problem. 

No... In both cases, the two women can't be convicted of being the dreaded "F-A-T" word.  The only thing they are guilty of is not knowing how to dress their bodies.

Seriously people... You could be a size six, and if you wear something that cuts you the wrong way, it is going to throw you off proportionately and make you look odd.  

Jennifer Love Hewitt... She shouldn't have worn a bandeau bikini top.  These things, in my opinion, don't look good on anyone.  They flatten you.  And if you have a B-cup or bigger in the breast area, it's not going to give you the support you need.

Who wants droopy boobs before you've even had kids?  

And Jessica Simpson... OMG!  That girl has the most random style.  Sometimes she hits it dead on with what she wears... And other times, she fails so miserably.  Like with the high-waisted jeans, topped with a wide belt and a tight tank top... This is not a "forgiving" look.  If you have curves, you have to be very careful with this kind of look.

So media, in the future, can we not be so quick to toss around the "fat" word and maybe make this a more "educational" experience for readers on how to dress for their body types?


Great post! I agree 100%.
I couldn't agree more. I had to weigh in (pun intended) on this issue too!
That Girl! said…
Don't even get me started on Jessica's jeans! And I love that girl!!! Not only are they too high for her curvy figure but the fabric of the pockets and the stitching are literally outlining areas of her hip and thigh. I look at those jeans and think it looks like lines a plastic surgeon might draw on a patient. The lack of shading on that bright denim is adding to the issue. If she's gonna do high waisted (she looks better in a lower rise do to her leg proportion), she should have kept it sleek and dark and left the outline stitching at home.

Just sayin'
Me said…
I agree 100%!

She couldn't have chosen a worse jean for her figure.
Bratty Duke said…

I don't think it's just that they're choosing the least flattering clothes possible, but that they're also buying them a couple of sizes too small. If there had been more fabric on the bandeau or more slack in the jeans, neither one of those women would have looked like their clothes were holding on for dear life.
AshteMath said…
I get what you mean I think they just didn't dress to show off everything as they could have. When I started wearing less baggy clothes a while ago, long sleeved shirts since its cold and I got some low rise jeans a lot of my friends actually notice because I have an hourglass figure and sewing helped me realise the empire waistline can look good on me.... but only if I want to wear it.

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