Hunter Wellies & Socks: $93.

I've been craving a pair of wellie boots lately. Since I saw Coraline earlier this month, I've loved the look of wellies and jeans.

Now, I am almost 32, not a tween... So I really can't pull off the bright yellow ones. But a pair of black or navy ones would definitely work for me. A pair of proper Hunter wellies. And lucky for me, I found a pair on sale for 50% off at The Tannery on Boylston Street...

I asked the salesman why all the Hunter Wellingtons were 50% (making them $58).

"It's because we don't have the boxes for them," he said.

Not that I really care about the box, but it did make me wonder where they received their supply of them from, if they didn't come in boxes. But they are real Hunter wellies. And they had them in a few different colors, all for 50% off the original price.

In addition to getting the boots, I also got the Welly socks...

These are fleece inserts that go in the boots, keeping your feet very warm in cold weather. So you can wear the boots year-round... In rain or snow.

But what a great deal! The boots and the socks cost me less than the boots at their original price!


Bayjb said…
I was tempted to get Hunters this fall for Chicago, but being so petite, they are too tall for me. I do love the navy ones though. Do they really keep your feet and legs warm with the socks, like in seriously cold weather?
Me said…
Yep... According to Yummy Mummy, they do. They keep them warm and dry.
oh yes, I live in mine and my feet are warm and toasty. not quite as toasty as the Uggs but they stay dry which is even better!
Unknown said…
totally off topic, but i would love to get your advice on this post
Me said…
Hi Gina...

I am one for forgiveness... But... I think the advice seeker in that post has TOO-FORGIVING a heart.

Her fiance seems to be very confused about his sexuality. And that's actually giving him the benefit of the doubt. He could be gay and already know it, but not want to come clean about it for some reason.

It sounds like they should be friends, and not engaged. Especially when he is on the verge of breaking her trust by seeking out the company of a she-male.

I want my husband to be happy... But not if it involves him having a lover.
Bex said…
I have the same problem as Bayjb -- the tall Wellies are too tall for me. I recently purchased the short ones, though, and love them. But I think I may need to wear my own, thick socks as I don't see that they make them for the shorter version.
Anonymous said…
I am 5' and just got the tall boots, they are just a tiny bit too tall on me, I'm hoping the socks will help and make them a bit more comfortable...just need to find them, they are sold out everywhere!!
fashionninja said…
I've seen the tall Hunter wellies on adorable shorties like Rachel Bilson. It may work for petite ladies.
Me said…
They work on me, and I am 5'4"... But it is because I have long legs and am short-waisted.
fashionninja said…
Missus, I have the same body type and hight. Which is good because I love a tall boot. I've been wanting Hunter wellies for the longest, but my budget does not permit such a purchase.

So I just bought the Christian Siriano faux Jimmy Choos wellies. They are very pretty.

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