That's My Starbucks Table, Whore!

This is day seven of my new schedule where I sit at Starbucks writing for a few hours day...  And I have noticed a few things...
  • This isn't only a popular place for the neighborhood mailmen, it's also a popular spot for the neighborhood UPS men to meet up and chat.  Though, it should be noted, they don't sit anywhere near each other.  In fact, they sit on opposite sides of the shop.  And as the UPS men walk out to leave, the mailmen glare at them as they walk down the street. (It must be some kind of delivery rivalry.)
  • They have added a new breakfast item to the menu that kinda freaks me out: Maple Sausage Scone.  It's a triangle maple scone with a sausage link baked into it.  The one they have in the case looks dry and scary.  (In fact, it kind of looks like dried dog poo you often see on the sidewalks here in the South End, when lazy owners neglect to pick it up.)
  • Other writers (I am assuming they are also writers - since they have their laptops with them) do the same thing I do when I walk in here... Scout out where all the outlets are, in case you need to begin recharging your machine.  There aren't many at this location... But I do know where they are, just in case.
  • The most popular website to view while here seems to be  I've seen it on at least three other laptops today.
  • When people decide to conduct "informal" interviews at Starbucks, it's always kind of awkward.  Especially when all the tables around you can hear the entire conversation... And hear you try to convince a candidate on what is really a shitty sales job.
  • The school bus stops right in front of Starbucks on Tremont Street to let kids off from school. A few of them pile in here to collect an afternoon treat.
  • When you come in to Starbucks and want to sit at a table, you have to throw your stuff down on the table and then go up to the register to order something.  If you just get in line first, without claiming a table, there could be a mad rush while you are in line, and by the time you get your drink, all the tables will be gone.
  • Once you have claimed your table and stood in line to get your drink...  If you come back to your table and see someone trying to commandeer it, you simply say, "That's my Starbucks table, whore!"  Actually... You just explain, nicely, that you have claimed that table, which is why your stuff is on it.  They will move.


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