Toronto: What To Pack For Three Months?
I realized something when I was out to dinner with The Husband last night...
When we move to Toronto, we will be in a temporary place for the first three months. All our belongings will be in storage till we find a place to buy or rent in our preferred neighborhood. This means that I will have to pack, in a suitcase, everything that I need/want for the first few months.
Holy shit!
This now calls for me to be strategic. It will be late Spring/early Summer when we move... So I can probably get by with one season (Summer) in terms of style of clothes. But this will require me to be very careful with everything I pack.
So here's my first stab at what I will definitely need the first few months:
- Yoga mat. (Can I even fit this in a suitcase?)
- Three pairs yoga shorts, three yoga mat towels and three yoga tops.
- Three pairs of yoga pants and three workout tops (for the gym).
- Gym shoes.
- Six pairs of jeans. (I own 12. So I think taking half is justifiable.)
- Tank tops - All 12 of them. (I wear them every day and under every thing.)
- Two hoodies.
- Two pairs of ballet flats. (I wear these all the time in the Summer.)
- Two pairs of Havianas. (Ditto, above.)
- Two casual cotton dresses.
- Make-up. (I don't wear much. So it's a small bag.)
- T3 blowdryer with diffuser. (THANK GOD Canada has the same outlets as the U.S. Ditto for Mexico! No more blowing up T3 products with converters!)
- Laptop. (Can only bring one, will pack the other away till we find a permanent home.)
- iPod Speakers.
- Sex and the City DVDs.
- Harry Potter DVDs.
Oh holy hell.
I just freaked out and went and told The Husband I didn't know how I was gonna pack everything I need for three months.
"I guess I will just have to buy a new wardrobe when I get up there, and pack less clothes," I decided.
"Um, now," said The Husband. "I will pay the extra baggage fare for you to check more than one suitcase."
"Yeah," I agreed. "I guess that could work too."
I still have to be strategic about what to bring though. This will require some serious analysis and study of what I think I will wear and what I will actually wear.
I guess the silver lining is that it will be warm in Toronto... And I can shove more in the suitcase than if it were Winter.