Ugh! I Am Supposed To Be Getting Better!

I woke up this morning feeling really siiiiiiiick.

This really bites!  I mean I had the flu shot from the scary flu shot lady back in November... I shouldn't be sick with the sore throat/cold flu symptoms!  I feel very cheated.  Was that even a real flu shot I received?

Bottom line: Never trust a foreign HR team (who probably never even been to your city) to set up a flu shot clinic for your office.  And also, never volunteer to be the first one to receive the shot in the office, from scary flu shot lady.

I will go to Bikram today, for day 3 of my challenge.  I probably won't move around much, but it will be nice to go and sit in the hot room.

Now, I feel a sneeze attack coming on...


ceppity said…
not that it really matters at this point, but those flu shots don't cover every strain of the flu, and if you really do have just a cold, that won't be covered either.

annoying, i know! good for you for continuing on your bikram challenge though, i'm impressed. when i am sick i never go to the gym.
Me said…
So true! Flu shots do not cover every strain that is out there.

And I skipped Bikram today... Had to. I couldn't stop my nose from running or sneezing. It would have been too disruptive to the rest of the class. I will go tomorrow though... And do a double later this month.

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