Octo-Mum Website.

Okay... So, I wanted to hear the woman out before I jumped on the "judgement train" and started saying "WTF Lady?"  But after watching last night's interview on Dateline, I am probably the engineer driving her choo-choo to "Internet Back-Lash" town.

Dear Nadya Suleman,

Seriously, lady, what the hell is wrong with you?

Don't get me wrong... I know what it's like to have a (passing) yearning for a child of your own. And I am more than happy that IVF worked for you... the first few times.  But when you have no job and no means to support yourself and the children you already had, you need to be kicked in the head for pursing IVF for yet another round.

When someone chooses to become a parent, they have to consider what it will take to be a parent.  Especially if they have to be a single parent.  Here are some of the questions you should have been asking yourself:
  • Do I have a job?
  • Should I burden my parents with the expectation that they have to help me raise the children I already have plus the additional ones I want to have?
  • Realistically, what kind of job can I get once I do finish my degree that I am still pursuing?
  • Is it ethically acceptable to use my student loan money to raise my family?
  • If I had savings set aside to pursue IVF, is it okay that use student loan money to raise my family?
  • How much attention can I give all my current children, especially the three that have disability problems - for which I receive state assistance?
  • Is it okay to just have a child in order to feel "loved?" Or does that mean, perhaps, I should maybe pursue other methods (that I can afford) to make me feel better about myself?
  • Who will help me raise these children, should my parents pass away early?
I don't think these are questions you truly asked yourself, Nadya.  I wish you no ill-will...  But I certainly do NOT think that you should be receiving hand-outs from anyone.  And I certainly find it beyond "gross" that you have put up a website to solicit donations.

You are not a responsible adult. I get that you love your children, and who wouldn't? They all seem sweet and magical - just like most children are. (Though I have met quite a few "asshole" children in my day.) But you have just pissed off a lot of Americans - many in your state, who will have to be the ones to support you and your family - in a time that couldn't be economically worse.

I don't think you'll be receiving quite the donation gifts you may be hoping for, as legitimate charities out there are hurting for donations these days.  How can the charitable givers who use Paypal to give you money be confident that you will actually use the money on your children... And not on something that - I'll just say it - is selfish?

I wish you luck... Because I think you will need it.

Kind regards,
The Missus


I couldn't agree more!!!!! Like you took the words out of my mouth. When we even think of having more than one child we consider ALL the things you just listed. This bitch clearly considered none. She obviously just wants the attention and is a borderline sociopath. Chances those kids turn out "normal" about 20. Chances they get taken away from her. 100. That doctor needs to be stopped now.
ceppity said…
i gotta say--i read your blog a lot, and i don't always agree with everything you say (everyone has a difference of opinion, right? and i like hearing what you have to say, even if i don't agree) but in this case i am TOTALLY on the same page as you. this woman is unbelievable.

i cannot believe her. i could go off on a million rants here, but for the sake of being succint, i will nto.
Me said…
Thanks Yum! And thanks lb-20, I appreciate the readership and the commentary. Please don't ever hesitate to disagree with me on anything in the comments section.
The Mommy said…
Ya, what she said.
Anonymous said…
i have only just started looking into this octo mum and i agree she is being very irresponsible what kind of lives can her children expect to have when their mother is teaching them that its ok to bludge money off other people, take hand outs and expect help from everyone you know. why was she allowed to have ivf in the first place how could she afford it? i hope to god that child services takes them away and puts the new children in homes where they can have all the love and attention they need.
Anonymous said…
Can i just say who are you to call people! She loves her children and she didn't no how many she was going to have! if someone loves children and wants to have that many that is there decision none of her children are abused and none of them are ill or affected by this have you watched her television??? people have no right to put this lady down she loves her children and they are going to have a lot of love around them for all there life!
Me said…
Um... Okay crazy insane "Anonymous" poster directly above my comment here.

First, learn how to form complete fucking sentences when you write. Just because this is the Internet does not mean you can throw all your hard "learnin'" from "skool" out the window. We like some-what proper use of grammar here.

Second, no one is doubting for a second that she loves her children. What we are doubting, however, is her sanity.

When you decide to have a child, you have to weigh the risks. She took a big risk having so many embryos implanted... And she should have used her brain and asked herself, "Gee... What happens if they all take and some split? Do I have the means to care for them?"

Part of loving a child is being able to provide for them. And I'm not talking about fancy toys, clothes and food. No one needs the fancy stuff. What I am talking about are the very basic necessities. This idiot chose to move forward with a risky implantation knowing that she already relied on the state government to help her care for her first six children.

She will be a laughing stock for life. She is not smart. And she is very lucky that she has not had any of her children taken away from her... And quite frankly, I believe that is only because of the good will of volunteers who have come forward to offer her children care.

She is lucky to have everyone of those volunteers. But if they ever disappeared, there is no way she would be able to manage all 14 kids that young.

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