Learning Defensive Moves.

I got no sleep last night.  

My body was exhausted.  But my brain would just not shut off in order to get to sleep.  So I stayed up watching late night TV.  (And it's worth noting... There's nothing on television at 4am.)

The absence of sleep made working out with The Trainer this afternoon a somewhat painful experience.  It was "Boxing Day," and normally we spend the time throwing kicks and punches. But not today...

"You're not holding up too well today," said The Trainer, about 20 minutes into our hour.

And I wasn't.  I was way too exhausted.  My kicks were pathetic. My punches were so weak.  The only thing that was strong was my ability to do crunches.  So The Trainer decided to change things up...

"We need to give your body a little rest," he said. "So I am going to teach you how to dodge and duck on-coming punches the right way."

So we spent the rest of our time doing combinations where I would throw a punch, and then have to duck the on-coming swing he was sending my way.  It got dizzy having to pay attention to the exact direction of the swings.  Depending on how he swung I would have to slip to the side (when he was throwing a jab), lean back (when he was throwing a hook) or drop down and duck to the side.

Surprisingly, even with the low energy and easy-going workout I still managed to burn over 500 calories in the hour.  I guess when you're body is tried, it has to work so much harder just to do the simple things that it causes you to burn calories like crazy.


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